
Kindergarten Class at MAX is for children from 3 to 6 years old, when they become avid learners, eagerly absorbing logical knowledge, and trying to express themselves with newfound linguistic abilities. Their capacity to persuade, argue, instruct, and even invent their own ways to achieve their goals is growing, and educators can play a pivotal role in guiding them to be collaborative and concentrated.

In our Kindergarten curriculum, students will be engaged in a rich, educational, inquisitive, and interdisciplinary classroom. There are structured phonic classes, hands-on activities, and outdoor activities, including trips to the park, sports day, and class field trips, which will take them to places like museums, zoos, aquariums, and farms to enrich their knowledge about the world around them.

Essential Information
Daily Schedule
*Full-day program: 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Daycare program: 3:30 a.m. – 4:50 p.m.
Afterschool Club: 3:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
*Extended Care: 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. / 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Children may be dropped off at MAX from 8:50 a.m.
Parents are required to inform the office of the need for extra care 24 hours in advance unless there is an emergency. Extended care, either morning or evening, will charge an extra fee.
Admissions and Placement
The child who is admitted to the Kinder program needs to have turned 3 years of age by April 1st in the year of entry.
Kindergarten Curriculum
Students across our Kinder classes learn to challenge themselves in a knowledge-rich, inquisitive, and inter-disciplinary curriculum. Children have structured phonics classes every day in addition to a lot of hands-on activities related to the theme of study. A trip to the park or an indoor playground is part of daily schedule.
Emotional and Social Skills
We help students to solve problems in appropriate ways, make positive choices, make friendships, express and manage emotions, and show empathy towards others
Phonological Awareness
Letter-sound correspondence; Recognize and produce rhyming words
Phonics and Word Recognition
Read common sight words; CVC words (conso- nant-vowel-consonant)
Reading Fluency
Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding
Writing Readiness
By graduation, children learn basic sentence structure and punc- tuation; plurals; use question words such as‘who’,‘what’,‘when’, and‘where’to write opinions and descriptive paragraphs.
Math Skills
As part of our interconnected thematic units
Early Science / Geography / Nature Studies
As part of our interconnected the-matic units, children learn about living & non-living things, light and optics, parts of a plant, magnets, the solar system, animal habitats, land formations, movement of Earth and the moon, day and night, and many more.
Art & Craft
to express our unique minds and talents
Movement and Dance
We have many fun dance routines specifically designed for classroom use
Music Appreciation
Songs and introduction to various instruments
Show & Tell
Students develop the confidence at an early stage to speak in front of a group of people
Physical Education
We make use of nearby parks and indoor playgrounds
Field Trips and Excursions
During each term, in the absence of a school event, children will be taken on an excursion or field trip to a location relevant to their current theme. Mu- seums, zoos, aquariums, farms, fruit picking, parks, and more.
Typical Daily Schedule at Our Kindergarten
9: 00-9:15
9: 15-9:30
Learning Centers
9: 30-10:00
Circle Time
Daily calendar, Weather chart, Classroom helpers
Morning Discussion
Tasks ahead and daily schedule
Theme Study
10: 45-11:00
Snack Time
11: 00-12:00
Outdoor Play
12: 00-12:45
Lunch followed by independent reading
12: 45-13:30
Specials (Art, Music, PE, Show Tell)
13: 30-14:15
Phonics / Literacy
14: 15-14:45
Learning Centers
14: 45-15:00
Story Time / Circle Time Dismissal
15: 00-17:00
Day Care: song dance story time / art craft
Afterschool class: Mandarin Chinese, gym, ballet, art, etc.
MAX International School, 2-14-2 Takadanobaba, Shinjuku, Tokyo